Selenium ChromeDriver4 min read
What Is Selenium ChromeDriver?
The Selenium ChromeDriver provides executables for both the Chrome browser and other platforms. This tool is useful for performing Selenium tests in the Chrome browser.
The program is very simple to use and has a simple API. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of its features.
Download Selenium ChromeDriver (Here)
Features Selenium ChromeDriver:
The Selenium ChromeDriver supports web capabilities, namely the ChromeOptions class. This class implements the Capabilities interface, and it allows you to set specific web driver capabilities.
For example, you can set the browser name and platform. ChromeDriver is also supported for multiple web languages, including Java and Python.
Another important feature is the ability to take a screenshot of a specific web element. This feature is useful for creating test cases for specific features on a page.
Previously, you could only take screenshots of the entire page. With this new feature, you can easily save time by opening URLs in a new tab. The new version of Selenium also allows you to simulate network conditions for web browsers and devices.
A Chrome browser is the preferred browser for many people, and Selenium ChromeDriver helps you automate your tests on it.
ChromeDriver allows you to communicate with your browser, navigate web pages, and provide input through javascript. It also helps you simulate a browser’s state by running Selenium tests on it.
Selenium ChromeDriver is a set of drivers that launch Google Chrome. Without these drivers, your Selenium tests won’t run properly. To install these drivers, visit the official Selenium website or follow the links provided by your operating system. After downloading the drivers, install them using the proper method.
Once you’ve installed these drivers, launch Chrome and create a test case. Now, you can use your Selenium tests to check for errors. You can also use Selenium to test Chrome applications. The ChromeDriver executable is a free download and installs automatically on Windows and macOS computers.
Before you begin, make sure you have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your PC. If you’re using Windows, this can be installed through your operating system’s Java program.
You’ll also need the Selenium server, which can be downloaded from Oracle’s website. The ChromeDriver for Windows is version 2.42, and it’s important to install it in the correct directory.
Configuration Selenium ChromeDriver:
There are several options for configuring Selenium ChromeDriver. First, we need to define a hostname for the web server.
This will be the name that the application will use to connect to the web server. In addition, we should specify a port for the web server. This port is needed to access other functionality.
Next, we need to configure the capabilities of ChromeDriver. We can do this by using the ChromeOptions class, which implements the Capabilities interface.
This class can store the capabilities that the web driver can do. Specifically, this can be used for running tests on Chrome.
To enable the Start feature, set the start feature to true or false. If enabled, the Start feature will automatically start the browser for all tests.
This option is also available for Helper sessions. You can also enable the window size option, which will automatically maximize the window when the web page loads. Moreover, you can also enable the clear_cookies capability to clear cookies between tests.
Interaction with InternetExplorerDriver:
InternetExplorerDriver is used to test interactions with Internet Explorer. Without the IE Driver, Selenium tests will fail.
To use the IE Driver, you can create an object that you can assign to the WebDriver object. You can then test the actions you want to run in the browser. The IE driver requires the Java JDK, which includes the JRE and several development tools.
If you are using a non-Chrome browser, make sure you set the zoom level to 100%. Otherwise, you will get an exception in the Eclipse Console. You can also replace the older IEDriverServer with an older version that works with Firefox and Chrome.
Fortunately, the Selenium WebDriver can be converted from Java to Katalon. Java code written in Selenium will work in Katalon, and you can also use the built-in keywords that WebDriver provides.
In addition to the new features, you can use the built-in method changeWebDriver() to customize the WebDriver.
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